We’re here to help you navigate your journey to The Big S’Cool Walk. Whether you have questions, need more information, or simply want to share your excitement with us, our team is ready to connect with you.
Contact Us Today
For general inquiries, volunteer information, or support, email us at adventure@thebigscoolwalk.org. We aim to respond to all emails within 48 hours.
Social Media:
Join our community online for the latest updates, stories, and to connect with fellow participants.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Before reaching out, we encourage you to visit our FAQ page. Many common questions are answered there, providing you with immediate assistance.
Event Location:
The Big S’Cool Walk will take place on the beautiful island of Siquijor, Philippines. For specific event details and location information, please refer to our Event Information page.
We’re excited to hear from you and look forward to making The Big S’Cool Walk an unforgettable experience together. Don’t hesitate to reach out; your adventure begins the moment you get in touch!